In Downsizer, your only goal is to eliminate as many Corporate Peekmehn as possible. You do this by hacking objects in the environment in order to influence Peekmehn movement and get them caught in your traps. You can click and drag across the screen to move your camera around the screen.

There are four nodes you can hack. To hack, hold the mouse over a hackable object and hold F until the bar fills up and releases.

Door Node: Close a door for ten seconds to change Peekmehn’s path. Overload Node: Hack a generator to destroy a room and everything in it. Be careful! If any Peekmehn are inside the alert radius they will hear the explosion and try to raise the alarm.

Vent Node: Hack a vent node to slowly siphon air from the room, once it completes, it will kill all Peekmehn inside and lock the room permanently. Peekmehn who enter the room while it is siphoning will try to raise an alarm – so try and box them in before activating!

Attraction Node: Hack a piece of enticing media and enthrall any Peekmehn towards it for the duration of the hack.

Each node costs a different amount of Bandwidth to hack, so carefully selecting your opportunities is key! If a Peekmehn makes it to an alarm the whole space station will abandon ship, with each Peekmehn making their way to the closest escape pod.

Paying attention to Peekmehn behaviors, and the tools in your environment are key if you want to try and eliminate all 12 blights on the company!!


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Pretty interesting, although the hidden mechanic of things only being able to be hacked once was a problem (and I found that Peekmehn could still wander into a deprressurized room, despite it being theoretically perma-locked). A good start though!